So yeah I know i haven't blogged in ages and tonight im stuck in bed because I can't move so I decided I'll do a little blog or two :) On Saturday 29th October BSAK football teams both boys and girls had to all get up suuuuper early to get on the bus to 'dubai' . Most of us had no idea where we were actually going but we knew we had the BSME football tournament somewhere out of town... Last year or two years back the BSMEs were at the Rashid School For Boys - Beautiful place. The pitches are huuuge and it has such a chill atmosphere and there was a costa stall and wow it was really good. We won the tournament that time but it was probably because our whole 'school' team was made up of Abu Dhabi Thistle players and there was only about 3 people who actually went to our school so we spent most of the tournament teaching the other girls to say theyre in BSAK if anyone asks. This year.. WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT. The bus slowed down and so we thought FINALLY we're here! and then we look out the windows and its all these broken down houses with broken windows and sand everywhere , like a tiny little beduwin town. We saw a pitch with trees and we're like LOL imagine we have to play there.... andd then we found out.... WE HAD TO. The goal posts were all crooked and bent and the pitch was the size of my bedroom.. which is rather large for a bedroom but TINY for a football pitch! The boys of course got the LOVELY huuuge pitch with nice grass and normal goals (ok maybe the goals were huge but still they were at least shaped like propper goals?) and then the girls were stuck with pitches around a quarter of the size of the boys'. We were all thinking WHAT A JOKE.. but we knew that this meant we'd all have to play realllyy thoroughly because even the goalies can score goals from a goal kick ! the pitches were tiny. tiny. tiny. tiny.
Games went on and on and on.. we had two teams and both had 8 matches each.. My team won 3 of our matches lost 3 of our matches and drew 2.
lost 0 1 won 2 0 drew 0 0 lost 0 1 won 3 0 lost 0 1 won 5 0 drew 3 3
I played a lot more than i expected to because usually (since i have such an amazing team) the ball is always on the opositions side since we are always in posession.. but this time there WAS no sides because the pitch was so small so we all just technically played every position. I did a few too many headers so my head was KILLING after a few matches, I was also a bit shovey so i have tonnes of bruises all over my legs now.. and somehow i managed to reaally hurt my groin. I can't remember when it happened but I just remembered a sudden pain in the bus and it hasn't stopped since. Last night I had about 2 hours of sleep in total nevermind how tired i was from all the excersize.. i was just in too much pain to sleep. Tonight I was advised to do ice bath warm bath ice bath warm bath ice bath etc etc etc so i did it and as painful as it was.. the pain actually went away for about 5 minutes. Probably because my body was just numb though because after a while it all just came back. Fml.
At least i got a pretty decent tan on my face though :D I'm sure it will all peel off very soon just to spite me.
PS. Don't be fooled by the pictures. The place was shiite.
You alright there charlotte?
Harriet Bambridge. My blogging inspiration.
One last thing. Saturday was Mine and Thom(the distant boyfriend)'s one year anniversary <3 love him lots but missing him too much. Anyone know of some sort of photography jobs in abudhabi let me know so i can lure him back here
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