I know I said I probably wouldn't blog today but my friend Ziad Bartz convinced me to do one so here it is :)
The netball social was cancelled so I ended up going to the Belgian Cafe for dinner with my family and Debbie and her mum instead ... anything to prevent being in the compound when all the little ones come trick or treating. I know I know.. bad halloween spirit. Ahh well at least i had a LOVELY meal. mmm... I do strongly recommend to anyone going to the Belgian Cafe to have the Leffe beef stew. ITS SO GOOD.
Today was SUCH a loong dragged out day at school and time passed soo slowly.. another fire drill.. pointless as. I swear the school are crying wolf so that one day the alarm will go off and everyone will just be like 'mehh cba to go to the pitch its probably just another one of the 1000000 drills.. ' and then we'll all burn to death. cheers BSAK. We had a guest speaker come in for PSHE today.. a phsycologist from Khalifa(?) University... His presentation was reaaally good and he had a really good way of interacting with us. His main topic was anxiety.. and the one piece of advice i got from his lecture was that when you're stressed out or paranoid about something or when you can't get something off your mind... close your eyes, breathe slowly, imagine you're sat under a tree and theres a river by you. A leaf just fell off the tree and its flowing down the river away from you. Write down your worry on the leaf and then let it float away.. < I liked that, because its something that I do very often, except I do it in a more 21st century way.. when I have something bothering me in my mind I write it down on a note on my phone or on my computer., and then maybe after a while i delete it.. I know no one will see it so i dont keep anything in, and i don't have to be worried about being judged about something i wrote. Its a really good thing because even though it sounds silly.. you feel so miuch better once you've let it all out. And no I didn't think about doing that by myself, Jazz suggested it to me. <3
Art today was epic, Manon splattered inks all over the place, Emily drew around Mr Lewsey whilst we all sat staring.. and Lydia was around taking snaps of it all to put on her blog ;) with her modern POLAROID CAMERA. yes, i am SO getting one for christmas!!
PS. My face is peeling, sad times.
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