Sooooo, I havn't written on this thing in a loong time. To be completely honest I have not thought about it and I kinda forgot i even had a blog... but on my English GCSE language paper the other day we had to write a 'blog entry' about a moment that we felt unsure or uncertain about something. So I remembered I actually have a blog and i think i pretty much aced that one question. That one only though.
I decided to base that blog post on what I have been spending my study leave doing (no not studying.. ) I've gotten hooked on a series called "Parenthood". Might sound pretty lame because I'm nowhere near being a 'parent' but I find it really interesting and I can relate to some of the issues the children in it go through and how they feel about their parents, and it also helps me a little to understand the choices my parents make. I know its just a tv show but even though its all fiction it seems really real and the characters are completely convincing.
It is about a family with two sons and two daughters and each child has children and families of their own so it shows a big range of different views on parenting as they are all completely different people and have completely different children and situations.
I know im pretty sad blogging about a tv series but its pretty cool you should check it out.
So what else has been going on in the life of Christine, lets see, last summer is still on my mind 24/7, and i mean south african summer so the december holidays that I spent in south africa in Pringle bay mostly. I was on the beach allllllll day everyday and I met some uber cool people :) I've missed it and its people since the day i got back. and that was about 5 months ago and soo much has happened since then but it still feels like it was just yesterday that i said goodbye to my favourite deck. I'm going back in 24 days though so I am very excited about that, just a few exams to get out of the way before then though. After South Africa I am going to France with some girl friends which im extremely excited about as well.
I have quite a lot to say to my blog (i don't really know who I'm talking to) but right now my eyelids keep falling I am so so tired so goodnight whoever,
raincheck soon,
I forget the words sometimes
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Monday, 7 November 2011
Right so I'll start off by saying, yeah I know I havn't blogged in a while but its Eid Holiday and yeah.. i actually have a life. I've been out and about, been to a couple of parties, some great some not so great, and I've had some chill nights staying at home with my covers watching tv and like last night, watching Modern Family Marathon. WOOP. 24 hours of non stop Modern Family. Obviously I'm not THAT sad that i watched all 24 hours of it,, but i did about 8. Cringe.
You might be wondering why this post is called 'IGGY' well.. since its holiday and I'm not gonna blog every day telling you about what i did and what i didn't do, I'll post every now and then telling you about some of the highlights. Iggy being one of them.
Iggy is my friend Hashim's iguana.
After a party one night, some friends went to Hashims house and thats the first time i saw it, at first i was feeling a bit dodgy and scared of it, but after holding it for a bit and letting it chill on my shoulder, I started to quite like it. It got me thinking, I love my cat, I really do, but like Every time I've had to babysit a friends pet or something, I usually really like these small, useless pets. No offence.. But I mean the ones that don't really roam about by themselves doing what they like.. the ones that are usually kept in a cage and then when you take it out it just chills with you all the time.. I love how they have the choice (well probably not because you can just pick them up and bring them back) to walk away and move away from you, but they don't they just chill with you. And I like chilling with my pet.
The boys making Iggy Dance :)
You might be wondering why this post is called 'IGGY' well.. since its holiday and I'm not gonna blog every day telling you about what i did and what i didn't do, I'll post every now and then telling you about some of the highlights. Iggy being one of them.
Iggy is my friend Hashim's iguana.
After a party one night, some friends went to Hashims house and thats the first time i saw it, at first i was feeling a bit dodgy and scared of it, but after holding it for a bit and letting it chill on my shoulder, I started to quite like it. It got me thinking, I love my cat, I really do, but like Every time I've had to babysit a friends pet or something, I usually really like these small, useless pets. No offence.. But I mean the ones that don't really roam about by themselves doing what they like.. the ones that are usually kept in a cage and then when you take it out it just chills with you all the time.. I love how they have the choice (well probably not because you can just pick them up and bring them back) to walk away and move away from you, but they don't they just chill with you. And I like chilling with my pet.
Valentina, a guineapig i babysat last year, <3
Hashim's iguana, Iggy <3The boys making Iggy Dance :)
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Designer Spar-Letta Killer Whale
This is Me Today :)
Yes I'm already wearing my wooly jumper because Abu Dhabi is finally starting to get quite chilly (with the exception of today)
I went to listen to an Artist's speach after school today, his name is Kevin Dean and he is the designer of the prints and designs on the floors and some walls of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. It was so inspirational, he told us about a lot of his other work he had done and how he came across the opportunity to do the mosque and how he did it and how long it took etc etc. I really liked it because he is such a cute man and he seemed really chill. He has an exhibition up in Dubai at the moment so for anyone who is in Dubai you should go see it :) He's really into natural forms and nature ,, like plants and flowers and stuff. Not really my favourite but I liked him in general so i didn't really mind that his work wasn't my type.
After that, I went to Spinneys with my Mamma and WE FOUND SPARLETTA!! Sparberry AND Cream Soda, WOOOP. For those of you who don't know it.. Its a south african brand, and its SOOOOOOO goood. That completely made my day.
Came accross a video today, it blew my mind. Its of a Man walking on a beach waving at his friend, next minute 2 killer whales come out of nowhere and eat him. ITS CRAZY. Of course I wasn't sure if it was real or not, so i researched it and came accross this website... it has the video so you should check it out. Turns out its an advert for PENCILS. I KNOW whatthehell.. pencils, beach, man, killerwhale... for some reason im struggling to find the corrolation? Anyways, watch it.
TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR A WEEK! I'M SO EXCITED! But I have a chemistry and an ICT test. wooooo. ugh bye
This picture made me snigger today because i was doing EXACTLY that.. :
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Just another day..
Hello world. Today was nothing special, went to school, limped like an idiot, went through classes just watching the clock take 6 times longer than they should. UGH I hate it when that happens.. You have nothing to do or you can't be fussed to do anything and you just find yourself staring at that clock thinking IVE BEEN STARING AT YOU FOR AGES WHY AREN'T YOU CHANGING! Like people .. When you stare at someone for ages they start to feel uncomfortable and they start twitching or shifting around uncomfortably.. well.. not bsak clocks. Had some interesting conversations at break though with the girls + joe about some girl stuff, can't wait for the holiday is all I'll say ;) Was soo happy when the end of school bell went, it meant I could finally go home and Chilllllllll... as if. SO much work bleh. Kyle was driving us home though and since he's still excited about driving, we had to drop Connor + Roisin(?) home and pick Shauna up even though we ended up not picking Shauna up. Came home, had lunch and just chatsat in the kitchen with momma and Jazz for ages before going to do the dreaded hw. Dinner was lovely, chicken/steak wraps, with most of the Fortress Crew + Jazz. Just another average Christine Vorster Day I suppose.

This is an old picture of me but since I didn't take any pictures today I thought I'd add this one since I'm sunburnt in it and today, very sadly my face started to properly peel from my lovely tan i got at the stupid football tournament on Saturday.. So yeah.. Peel off facemask allowed it to be minimal time though and let all the peeling happen at once.

This is an old picture of me but since I didn't take any pictures today I thought I'd add this one since I'm sunburnt in it and today, very sadly my face started to properly peel from my lovely tan i got at the stupid football tournament on Saturday.. So yeah.. Peel off facemask allowed it to be minimal time though and let all the peeling happen at once.
The face mask stuff I used. Pretty gooooooooooooood. "St Ives, Peel off Hydroxy Masque"
Monday, 31 October 2011
Nothing much to say really
I know I said I probably wouldn't blog today but my friend Ziad Bartz convinced me to do one so here it is :)
The netball social was cancelled so I ended up going to the Belgian Cafe for dinner with my family and Debbie and her mum instead ... anything to prevent being in the compound when all the little ones come trick or treating. I know I know.. bad halloween spirit. Ahh well at least i had a LOVELY meal. mmm... I do strongly recommend to anyone going to the Belgian Cafe to have the Leffe beef stew. ITS SO GOOD.
Today was SUCH a loong dragged out day at school and time passed soo slowly.. another fire drill.. pointless as. I swear the school are crying wolf so that one day the alarm will go off and everyone will just be like 'mehh cba to go to the pitch its probably just another one of the 1000000 drills.. ' and then we'll all burn to death. cheers BSAK. We had a guest speaker come in for PSHE today.. a phsycologist from Khalifa(?) University... His presentation was reaaally good and he had a really good way of interacting with us. His main topic was anxiety.. and the one piece of advice i got from his lecture was that when you're stressed out or paranoid about something or when you can't get something off your mind... close your eyes, breathe slowly, imagine you're sat under a tree and theres a river by you. A leaf just fell off the tree and its flowing down the river away from you. Write down your worry on the leaf and then let it float away.. < I liked that, because its something that I do very often, except I do it in a more 21st century way.. when I have something bothering me in my mind I write it down on a note on my phone or on my computer., and then maybe after a while i delete it.. I know no one will see it so i dont keep anything in, and i don't have to be worried about being judged about something i wrote. Its a really good thing because even though it sounds silly.. you feel so miuch better once you've let it all out. And no I didn't think about doing that by myself, Jazz suggested it to me. <3
Art today was epic, Manon splattered inks all over the place, Emily drew around Mr Lewsey whilst we all sat staring.. and Lydia was around taking snaps of it all to put on her blog ;) with her modern POLAROID CAMERA. yes, i am SO getting one for christmas!!
PS. My face is peeling, sad times.
The netball social was cancelled so I ended up going to the Belgian Cafe for dinner with my family and Debbie and her mum instead ... anything to prevent being in the compound when all the little ones come trick or treating. I know I know.. bad halloween spirit. Ahh well at least i had a LOVELY meal. mmm... I do strongly recommend to anyone going to the Belgian Cafe to have the Leffe beef stew. ITS SO GOOD.
Today was SUCH a loong dragged out day at school and time passed soo slowly.. another fire drill.. pointless as. I swear the school are crying wolf so that one day the alarm will go off and everyone will just be like 'mehh cba to go to the pitch its probably just another one of the 1000000 drills.. ' and then we'll all burn to death. cheers BSAK. We had a guest speaker come in for PSHE today.. a phsycologist from Khalifa(?) University... His presentation was reaaally good and he had a really good way of interacting with us. His main topic was anxiety.. and the one piece of advice i got from his lecture was that when you're stressed out or paranoid about something or when you can't get something off your mind... close your eyes, breathe slowly, imagine you're sat under a tree and theres a river by you. A leaf just fell off the tree and its flowing down the river away from you. Write down your worry on the leaf and then let it float away.. < I liked that, because its something that I do very often, except I do it in a more 21st century way.. when I have something bothering me in my mind I write it down on a note on my phone or on my computer., and then maybe after a while i delete it.. I know no one will see it so i dont keep anything in, and i don't have to be worried about being judged about something i wrote. Its a really good thing because even though it sounds silly.. you feel so miuch better once you've let it all out. And no I didn't think about doing that by myself, Jazz suggested it to me. <3
Art today was epic, Manon splattered inks all over the place, Emily drew around Mr Lewsey whilst we all sat staring.. and Lydia was around taking snaps of it all to put on her blog ;) with her modern POLAROID CAMERA. yes, i am SO getting one for christmas!!
PS. My face is peeling, sad times.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Halloween Halloween Trick or Treat for Jelly Beans..
Tomorrow is Halloweeen, I wont be blogging because I have a busy day ahead. School, after school spanish, boys rugby match against Belfast, Netball social.
Its funny how in the past for halloween we all used to dress up and go trick or treating in Karama or Mangrove or compounds where loads of our friends used to live... Now it consists of the weekend/s of halloween throwing parties some dress up some not.. but basically thats our celebration. Last weekend Rifdi had a 'Halloween' party and most people dressed up.. It was quite good and I think we should have more dress up parties they're a laugh. Next weekend its HOLIDAY and Lolas having a partyyyy and its gonna be sick everyone's prettyy pumped. Still trying to convince her to make it a dress up ;)
Here are some pictures of last weekend.......... I was a 'devil' which my mum was NOT very happy about :/
Its funny how in the past for halloween we all used to dress up and go trick or treating in Karama or Mangrove or compounds where loads of our friends used to live... Now it consists of the weekend/s of halloween throwing parties some dress up some not.. but basically thats our celebration. Last weekend Rifdi had a 'Halloween' party and most people dressed up.. It was quite good and I think we should have more dress up parties they're a laugh. Next weekend its HOLIDAY and Lolas having a partyyyy and its gonna be sick everyone's prettyy pumped. Still trying to convince her to make it a dress up ;)
Here are some pictures of last weekend.......... I was a 'devil' which my mum was NOT very happy about :/
Happy Halloween :)
Shabby Tournaments. Not great.
So yeah I know i haven't blogged in ages and tonight im stuck in bed because I can't move so I decided I'll do a little blog or two :) On Saturday 29th October BSAK football teams both boys and girls had to all get up suuuuper early to get on the bus to 'dubai' . Most of us had no idea where we were actually going but we knew we had the BSME football tournament somewhere out of town... Last year or two years back the BSMEs were at the Rashid School For Boys - Beautiful place. The pitches are huuuge and it has such a chill atmosphere and there was a costa stall and wow it was really good. We won the tournament that time but it was probably because our whole 'school' team was made up of Abu Dhabi Thistle players and there was only about 3 people who actually went to our school so we spent most of the tournament teaching the other girls to say theyre in BSAK if anyone asks. This year.. WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT. The bus slowed down and so we thought FINALLY we're here! and then we look out the windows and its all these broken down houses with broken windows and sand everywhere , like a tiny little beduwin town. We saw a pitch with trees and we're like LOL imagine we have to play there.... andd then we found out.... WE HAD TO. The goal posts were all crooked and bent and the pitch was the size of my bedroom.. which is rather large for a bedroom but TINY for a football pitch! The boys of course got the LOVELY huuuge pitch with nice grass and normal goals (ok maybe the goals were huge but still they were at least shaped like propper goals?) and then the girls were stuck with pitches around a quarter of the size of the boys'. We were all thinking WHAT A JOKE.. but we knew that this meant we'd all have to play realllyy thoroughly because even the goalies can score goals from a goal kick ! the pitches were tiny. tiny. tiny. tiny.
Games went on and on and on.. we had two teams and both had 8 matches each.. My team won 3 of our matches lost 3 of our matches and drew 2.
lost 0 1 won 2 0 drew 0 0 lost 0 1 won 3 0 lost 0 1 won 5 0 drew 3 3
I played a lot more than i expected to because usually (since i have such an amazing team) the ball is always on the opositions side since we are always in posession.. but this time there WAS no sides because the pitch was so small so we all just technically played every position. I did a few too many headers so my head was KILLING after a few matches, I was also a bit shovey so i have tonnes of bruises all over my legs now.. and somehow i managed to reaally hurt my groin. I can't remember when it happened but I just remembered a sudden pain in the bus and it hasn't stopped since. Last night I had about 2 hours of sleep in total nevermind how tired i was from all the excersize.. i was just in too much pain to sleep. Tonight I was advised to do ice bath warm bath ice bath warm bath ice bath etc etc etc so i did it and as painful as it was.. the pain actually went away for about 5 minutes. Probably because my body was just numb though because after a while it all just came back. Fml.
At least i got a pretty decent tan on my face though :D I'm sure it will all peel off very soon just to spite me.
PS. Don't be fooled by the pictures. The place was shiite.
One last thing. Saturday was Mine and Thom(the distant boyfriend)'s one year anniversary <3 love him lots but missing him too much. Anyone know of some sort of photography jobs in abudhabi let me know so i can lure him back here
Games went on and on and on.. we had two teams and both had 8 matches each.. My team won 3 of our matches lost 3 of our matches and drew 2.
lost 0 1 won 2 0 drew 0 0 lost 0 1 won 3 0 lost 0 1 won 5 0 drew 3 3
I played a lot more than i expected to because usually (since i have such an amazing team) the ball is always on the opositions side since we are always in posession.. but this time there WAS no sides because the pitch was so small so we all just technically played every position. I did a few too many headers so my head was KILLING after a few matches, I was also a bit shovey so i have tonnes of bruises all over my legs now.. and somehow i managed to reaally hurt my groin. I can't remember when it happened but I just remembered a sudden pain in the bus and it hasn't stopped since. Last night I had about 2 hours of sleep in total nevermind how tired i was from all the excersize.. i was just in too much pain to sleep. Tonight I was advised to do ice bath warm bath ice bath warm bath ice bath etc etc etc so i did it and as painful as it was.. the pain actually went away for about 5 minutes. Probably because my body was just numb though because after a while it all just came back. Fml.
At least i got a pretty decent tan on my face though :D I'm sure it will all peel off very soon just to spite me.
PS. Don't be fooled by the pictures. The place was shiite.
You alright there charlotte?
Harriet Bambridge. My blogging inspiration.
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