Sooooo, I havn't written on this thing in a loong time. To be completely honest I have not thought about it and I kinda forgot i even had a blog... but on my English GCSE language paper the other day we had to write a 'blog entry' about a moment that we felt unsure or uncertain about something. So I remembered I actually have a blog and i think i pretty much aced that one question. That one only though.
I decided to base that blog post on what I have been spending my study leave doing (no not studying.. ) I've gotten hooked on a series called "Parenthood". Might sound pretty lame because I'm nowhere near being a 'parent' but I find it really interesting and I can relate to some of the issues the children in it go through and how they feel about their parents, and it also helps me a little to understand the choices my parents make. I know its just a tv show but even though its all fiction it seems really real and the characters are completely convincing.
It is about a family with two sons and two daughters and each child has children and families of their own so it shows a big range of different views on parenting as they are all completely different people and have completely different children and situations.
I know im pretty sad blogging about a tv series but its pretty cool you should check it out.
So what else has been going on in the life of Christine, lets see, last summer is still on my mind 24/7, and i mean south african summer so the december holidays that I spent in south africa in Pringle bay mostly. I was on the beach allllllll day everyday and I met some uber cool people :) I've missed it and its people since the day i got back. and that was about 5 months ago and soo much has happened since then but it still feels like it was just yesterday that i said goodbye to my favourite deck. I'm going back in 24 days though so I am very excited about that, just a few exams to get out of the way before then though. After South Africa I am going to France with some girl friends which im extremely excited about as well.
I have quite a lot to say to my blog (i don't really know who I'm talking to) but right now my eyelids keep falling I am so so tired so goodnight whoever,
raincheck soon,